IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators |
Specifying what users see initially when they log in to the portal
You can choose for users to return to the default portal page or to return to the page of their last visit after logging in, or you can allow users to choose a view after logging in.
About this task
- Will always be the user’s default page (portal session will not resume)
- Select this option to have users return to the default portal page after login
- Will be the page the user most recently visited (portal session will resume)
- Select this option to have users return to the last page of their last visit. This option helps when users need to log back in to return to a previous task, for example, if they lose their portal session in the middle of a task.
- Will be dependent upon the choice the user makes at log in
- Select this option to give users the choice to determine their initial view after login.