IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Creating a URL

You can create URLs to add external URLs to your portal navigation.

About this task

To create a new URL, do the following steps:


  1. To open the Manage Pages portlet, click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal User Interface > Manage Pages.
  2. Click New URL to create a new URL. You leave Manage Pages to create the new URL.
  3. Type the title of the new URL in Title. This is the title for the default locale.
  4. Select the type of URL. You can create an internal or external URL.
    • For internal URLs, select A link to the following portal page. Internal URLs direct the user to a page within the portal site. You can select only from pages that can be bookmarked. Also, you cannot create a URL to a first-level page. Instead, you must select one of the available child pages.
    • For external URLs, select A link to a Web page with the following URL. External URLs direct the user to a location outside of the portal site. Select at least one markup, such as HTML, and the URL for that markup type.
  5. Click OK to save these settings for the new URL. Click Cancel if you want to return to without creating the new URL.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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