IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Creating a role block

You can remove inherited role assignments by creating a role block. Inserting a role block affects all users and groups who do not have explicitly assigned roles on a resource. You can create a propagation block for a resource so that children of the resource will not inherit any assignments for the role type, and you can create an inheritance block so that a resource will no longer inherit any assignments for the role type from the parent resource.

About this task

Perform the following steps to create a role block:


  1. On the initial Resource Permissions screen, click the appropriate Resource Type. If necessary, search for a specific resource instance.
  2. Click the Assign Access icon of the required resource type.
  3. Remove the check mark from the Allow Propagation check box to create a propagation block. Children of the resource will no longer inherit any assignments for this role type.
  4. Remove the check mark from the Allow Inheritance check box to create an inheritance block. This resource will no longer inherit any assignments for this role type from the parent resource.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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