IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Adding labels for a context and working with labels

You can create additional labels for a context. This way you can make different human readable names available to different user groups for the same portal pages.

About this task

To create additional labels for an existing context, proceed as follows:


  1. Click the Edit labels icon of the context for which you want to create the additional labels. The URL mapping portlet displays the data entry field Create new Label:.
  2. Type the label in the entry field.
    1. The characters used for the label must be valid characters that can be used for URLs. The URL mapping portlet validates whether the label you type can be used in a URL.
    2. The maximum length for a label is 255 characters.
  3. Click New label to save the new label you typed. The URL mapping portlet displays the label in the Additional labels table.
  4. You can later edit or delete labels as required by clicking the Edit labels or Delete icons.
  5. Click OK to save your updates, or click Cancel if you do not want to save the updates. The URL mapping portlet returns to the previous panel.


Note: If you map the context to a portal page, that page is available by all added labels.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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