IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Field descriptions for the Users and Groups portlet

Learn more about the fields that are provided with the user interface.

My user groups

Displays all user groups for which you can assign permissions.

New group

Enter a name for the new group. Must be unique.

User ID

Enter a User ID if creating a new user. This field can be edited only when adding a user. The User ID must be 3-60 characters in length. It can contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen "-", period ".", and underscore "_" characters. No other characters are permitted in this field.


Enter a password for the user. This field is required when adding a new user.

Confirm password

Re-enter the password from the Password field. This field is required when adding a new user.

First name

Enter the first name for the new user. This field is always required.

Last name

Enter the last name for the new user. This field is always required.


Enter the e-mail address for the new user. This field is optional.

Preferred language

Select the preferred language for the user. If you do not select a preferred language or if the language is not supported by the portal, the default language is the default WebSphere® Portal language.

Jump to page

Enter the number of the page that you want to display.

Number of items per page

Enter the number of users or user groups to be displayed on a page. Default is 10. Must be an integer.
Enter the maximum number of items that a search should retrieve. Default is 500. Must be an integer.

Show search expanded

Determines how search is displayed by default.

Search type

Determines which type of search appears by default.

Default search behavior

Determines the default search behavior for Manage Users and Groups portlet.

Optional table columns

Determines whether to display columns containing the user ID and group name where appropriate.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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