IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Subscriber settings

This subscriber view is used to enter details of the syndicator that is being subscribed to, and display subscription and syndication information.

To edit a subscriber, go to Administration > Portal Content > Subscribers and click the edit icon of the subscriber you want to edit.

Table 1. Subscriber fields
Field Details
Subscriber Name and Description These fields identify the subscriber.
Syndicator Name, ID and URL These fields identify the syndicator.
Current State The current state of the subscriber is displayed here. If syndication is working, both the syndicator and subscriber must have the same New State.
Note: The apparent difference between a syndicator's and subscriber's current state does not indicate a degree of success or failure. They are either different, or the same.
Enabled This field indicates whether syndication is enabled or not.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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