IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5: User assistance for administrators

Content targeting

Content targeting displays or hides different content to different groups of users, so you can deliver multiple pieces of content to different audiences. Audiences are grouped into segments that are based on interests or characteristics. Content items can be associated with selected segments. When someone in a segment views the site, they can view only the content item that matches the segment that they are grouped into. You can hide content from selected segments as well.

Site analytics can help you identify and understand trends in user behavior, which can enhance your content targeting. Embedded analytics tags are collected by a script in visitors' web browsers, called an aggregator, and then forwarded to an analytics provider such as Coremetrics. After you review the analytics information, you can use content targeting to change the way that the website content is displayed to different segments. For example, if analytics show that users over 40-years-old never click social media links, then content targeting can be used to hide those links for the segmented users. Similarly, if users across segments consistently purchase a product or service, content targeting can be used to have that product or service display for all site visitors.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016 12:23am EST

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